
All Rights Reserved

Hello, welcome to one of the web's original and oldest photo blogs. Please help keep the photos on my site free of annoying watermarks by observing the terms of use as described herein.

1 page / dash of legalese

All photographs appearing on this site are the property of / John Kane Photography. They are protected by the U.S. copyright laws, and are not to be reproduced or redistributed in any way without the written permission of / John Kane Photography.

The exception is fair use, I'm fine with that. In fact, you are legally entitled to it! For example, if you want to download a photo to use as your personal desktop... go for it! Hope it brightens your day. Book reports... same thing. Hope you get an A!

Otherwise, please ask. Note that uploading my photos to Facebook, MySpace, Flickr or other commercial sites is not fair use and is not permitted.

I hope you enjoy the photos on my site!
