
Bighorn Sheep

Here are some recent photos of the bighorn sheep. They are frequent visitors in the fall, and think our front field is tasty and the mineral lick too.

1 page / 6 photos

Bighorn Rams Sunning, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorn Rams Sunning

Two Bighorn sheep taking a sun nap in our front field.

Bighorns at the Mineral Lick, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorns at the Mineral Lick

It just snowed and the temperature dropped to zero. The bighorn sheep thought a salty snack was just the thing.

Bighorns at the Mineral Lick, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorns at the Mineral Lick

Bighorn Rams, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams, Bighorn Sheep photo

Bighorn Rams