
Ganesh Camp

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Tower in a Storm, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower in a Storm

Tower at Love Projector Camp, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower at Love Projector Camp

Tower at Love Projector Camp, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower at Love Projector Camp

The tower is seen here before a storm at Burning Man 2000.

Disassembling the Tower, Ganesh Camp photo

Disassembling the Tower

Disassembling the Tower, Ganesh Camp photo

Disassembling the Tower

Assembling the Tower, Ganesh Camp photo

Assembling the Tower

There were hundreds of numbered parts, some of them over nine feet long. Thousands of nuts and bolts. The Love Projector Camp built the tower like a giant erector set.

Packed for the Playa, Ganesh Camp photo

Packed for the Playa

The first year the tower was assembled from loose parts on the playa. Here all the tower parts are in Marc's truck.

Drying Rack, Ganesh Camp photo

Drying Rack

The tower was originally built for the 2000 festival. Here the cut and drilled parts are seen on the paint drying rack.

Tower 1.0, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower 1.0

The first tower went up two years in a row (2008 & 2009), and was more or less eyeballed and constructed on the spot. We somehow bought exactly the right amount of 1x2 at a home depot run we made while on the drive up to the festival. Based on some scribbled estimates on a napkin. Some sawing. And a screw gun.