
The Unphotographed

Reeve came up with an interesting idea for our photo club meeting. What is the unphotographed? Dunno. We all winged it and it brought out interesting ideas from everyone.

1 page / 3 photos

Picture Frame, The Unphotographed photo

Picture Frame

It's the back of a picture frame. The combination of frame and shadow creates the illusion of tall buildings, or something tall. I like the cool tall building effect. I wish the focus was crisper.

Settings: Matrix metering, 1/3 sec, F2.6, f8.2mm, white balance incandescent, saturation +1

Garlic Cellar, The Unphotographed photo

Garlic Cellar

It's the inside of a garlic cellar. The lens just fit in the top. I like the warm colors, and the fact the light comes up from the bottom. What I don't like... what does it mean?

Settings: Matrix metering, 1.0 sec, F2.8, f10.3mm, white balance sunny, saturation +1

Christmas Stocking, The Unphotographed photo

Christmas Stocking

It's the inside of a Christmas stocking. The lighting is ambient room lighting coming through the sock. I like the tunnel effect. I wish the focus was deeper.

Settings: Matrix metering, 1/14 sec, F2.6, f10.3mm, white balance fluorescent, saturation +1, exposure -2.0