
Ganesh Camp

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Infinitarium, Ganesh Camp photo


Our camp had an Infinitarium, and the views were crazy and endless.

Kitchen, Ganesh Camp photo


Our kitchen had lots of shade and protection from the wind. It had a working double sink and a Mongolian grill. We were living the desert good life!

Hexayurt, Ganesh Camp photo


The hexayurt was completed before sunset.

Building the Hexayurt, Ganesh Camp photo

Building the Hexayurt

Ganesh Nets, Ganesh Camp photo

Ganesh Nets

Kin was the mastermind behind making the big stencils and painting the nets. I was part of the net crew; we had fun making them.

Naked Tennis, Ganesh Camp photo

Naked Tennis

A naked doubles match about to begin.

The Court of Ganesh, Ganesh Camp photo

The Court of Ganesh

Leave No Trace, Only Tracks, Ganesh Camp photo

Leave No Trace, Only Tracks

Burning Man is a leave no trace event. To see such a large city suddenly vanish is amazing.

Naked Playa Tennis, Ganesh Camp photo

Naked Playa Tennis

This foursome played many doubles matches. Naked tennis is always a crowd pleaser.

Ganesh, Ganesh Camp photo


By now Ganesh was starting to look in a very party mood.