
Ganesh Camp

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All Good and One Love, Ganesh Camp photo

All Good and One Love

James and Anthony.

Tennis Court, Ganesh Camp photo

Tennis Court

The court had been graded, rolled and watered. Next steps were to stripe the court and put up the nets.

Tower Base, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower Base

Indian Desert Tent, Ganesh Camp photo

Indian Desert Tent

Ganesh camp has a real Indian desert tent. It's beautiful and perfect for the playa.

Tower Base, Ganesh Camp photo

Tower Base

The Tower of Babel begins to soar skyward.

Skies Over Porta-Potties, Ganesh Camp photo

Skies Over Porta-Potties

Solar Panel, Ganesh Camp photo

Solar Panel

I brought a solar panel to power the rocket bike. The panel generated 1 amp in full sunlight, and was used to recharge batteries for the rocket bike.

Nadar and the Taj, Ganesh Camp photo

Nadar and the Taj

Wilbur's Bus, Ganesh Camp photo

Wilbur's Bus

Wilbur's Bus, Ganesh Camp photo

Wilbur's Bus