Herring Dome and Hamburger Rock
Weekend climbing with friend Steve Thaw and new friends from the CMC in the Stanislaus near Emigrant.
1 page / 7 photos

Herring Creek Dome
Saturday morning and early afternoon was spent climbing Herring Creek Dome. It was about one mile down an unmarked trail. The dome was a walk-off from the rear and sides, while the face offered a variety of climbs. Eight of us spent the morning climbing the face and the early afternoon top-roping one of the lower walls.

Hamburglar Rock
On Sunday morning Steve, Nancy, Dave, Bill and I climbed the cracks at Hamburglar Rock. We climbed cracks named Big Mac (5.7), Whopper (5.8), and Hamburglar (5.9). Well, some of us; my freshman skills weren't a match for the Hamburgler. But Nancy, Dave and Steve made the climb with some amazing moves.